Saturday, December 6, 2008

It is hard

Invisible man never felt like he existed. Perhaps it was because he didn't, really. People never saw him, never acknowledged him, never gave a shit when he spoke.

But he was not always invisible, no. He was visible before he started flying. He was visible when he went to other places. He was only invisible in that particular area. So he wasn't technically invisible then, was he? But he was, at least in the most important area and the area where he spent most of his time.

They thought he was strange. They thought he was outspoken. They thought he was, wait, they didn't even think he existed. In fact, they didn't even think.

So exactly how invisible was he? To shout it out loud, VERY. Cars never seemed to be quite spacious enough, even if they were made for the fattest people on Earth, when he was clearly not there yet. Rooms never had space for him, even if he was to be one and only. He never spoke, but only made noise. He was never there, ever.

Thank God he knew his worth. He knew he was unique, special even. In fact, one of the smart asses were right, for once at least.

"You know what? You're just way ahead of us, you're too good for us, you're ahead of humanity!"

He was, for he had chosen to fly in turbulent air when he could have sailed in smooth seas. He was not what the norm was. He set his own damn pace, which was a god damn speed!

He was good, too good even. Having coaxed, sugar-coated and even played diplomacy, it never seemed to work. Enough was enough. He would not give a shit any more, for there were more shits out there, better shits in fact.


Me said...

Brain stuck while reading this post, hope I get it right...i mean the meaning...

Invisible, for those who really think that way, F*** them, cause at least you are NOT to least, for yourself and me... Weeee...muahahaha! Stay cool! :)

Unknown said...

im not sure who the he is.
but im sure ur not talking bout urself.
cause for at lease me, u r so talented since the day i heard about u =)

Chin Gian said...

It's for you to find out and for me to know, eh?
But then again, thanks for the compliment!
What u up to these days?

yumin said...

and he, invisible as he may be in that particular area, will always be prominently visible at home, and that visibility will never diminish, even though he is not there physically. and he will have all he wants as long as he remembers, and never once forget, his worth in the years he has to endure. =P

Chin Gian said...

. .
l l
l l

(touched, but ugly crying me!!)

Unknown said...

=) im doing American degree program,
the credit transfer thingy, going to US 2010 jan, now there a two months holiday and i came here to Germany, because my dad asked wheter i want to come a not...

I want to do environmental science,
a so long way a head = ='''

=) i forgot how i found here oredi.
=/ u were asking me right ? lol~
if not then very yu2~~~

Unknown said...

oh ya going back to malaysia next week x)

Wynne C. said...

hey you! i dont believe i found ur blog. : ) rmb me? Aloy's sis, Wynne? : ) Hope everything's fine over there in US. : )

Chin Gian said...

zhenyu: wlaaoa!!!!! germany man!!! one of ma dream study places!!! lol.
WILL PROB GO TEHRE TWO YEARS LATER LE. lol so was it shock? bier und Wurst!!! eheheheheh. Did u go to the Oktoberfest?
Wynne: HEY!!! How'd you get me. you STALKER!!! : P

Unknown said...

haha, now is nearly chirstmas, still there's a lot of beer, hot wine and stuff, this place is really amazing.